Organizing Your Scraps
Get ready to start the new year with a bang to get organized with your scraps.
We will look at various project ideas for using your scraps and Sherry Kruschke will broaden our horizons with information such as what size scraps to save, how to organize and what to do with them once you get them organized.
Sewing Efficiencies
If we can be more efficient when sewing, we can make more quilts, right? Many of us like to chain piece. Did you know that you can also chain press? What are some of your favorite ways to work efficiently in your sewing room, right down to room organization? At the February meeting, Ruthie and Kathy will share some of their secrets for sewing efficiently.
Interfacings and Products to Use in Bags
Yard Sale
Spring Social
Last names begin with A-K are to bring a dish to share for the potluck luncheon.
Quilting Math
taught by Kevin Holland
Christmas in July
Get to Know Your Candidates
Annual Meeting and Elections
Program: GAMES
September 20 - National Jelly Roll Day
(Fabric Requiring Other Guidance)
December Social
Last names begin with L-Z are to bring a dish to share for the potluck luncheon.